LIME Framework: Give Your Mental Health a Tight Squeeze

Categories: Miscellaneous

(Learn-Indulge-Mental clarity-Execute) Over time I have come up with my own (non scientific) formula which I’ve termed: LIME. These are not distinct habits and in practice overlap and intertwine with each other. Habit 1: Learn everything. I needed to learn to recognize feelings, and I didn’t know how to do this initially. This isn’t just … Read More

Goodnight Facebook, Goodnight Twitter, Goodnight noises…

Categories: Building the Six Pack (or 24), Health, Humour, Meditation, Miscellaneous, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Random Thoughts

Goodnight Twitter, Goodnight Facebook, Goodnight noises everywhere… It’s time to say goodnight to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and all the other different social media dopamine sites out there. Not because I don’t like them necessarily, but more just because it is time to stop the noises everywhere and lean more towards growth and learning which those … Read More

Reference Points

Categories: All things Cultured, Exploring the World, Humour, Miscellaneous, Random Thoughts
Two Stupid Chickens

I’ve been traveling to Seattle often lately to work with one of my Engineering teams. I was warned about the rain and how it would be depressing, but I was sure it wouldn’t be. ‘I lived in London for 5 years, and everyone warned me about the same thing’, I said. ‘The rain never bothered … Read More

Here We Go: Blogging Again

Categories: All things Cultured, Miscellaneous, Random Thoughts
I Blog because I'm Not a Good Rapper

So I figured to start out on this again the way I did almost 15 years ago… to just start sharing my thoughts. I recall sending emails and posting on sites that existed back then (‘Future project reminder: find those emails and posts and collate them!’). I remember trailing off around 2010. My blog was … Read More

Book Review: Steve Jobs – 3***

Categories: Miscellaneous

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson My rating: 3 of 5 stars I had to force myself to finish this… parts were really interesting like the early stuff, but if you’ve been in the tech space for more than just the past 10 – 15 years, you would have known a lot of it already. The … Read More