Book Review: Intimations – 5*

Categories: All things Cultured, Books, Random Thoughts, UK, Writing

Intimations by Zadie Smith My rating: 5 of 5 stars Without a doubt, the best book I have read this year. There are already a great number of reviews about this collection of short stories out there, so I wont’ talk too much about the stories themselves, but rather will just advocate to read it. … Read More

Reference Points

Categories: All things Cultured, Exploring the World, Humour, Miscellaneous, Random Thoughts
Two Stupid Chickens

I’ve been traveling to Seattle often lately to work with one of my Engineering teams. I was warned about the rain and how it would be depressing, but I was sure it wouldn’t be. ‘I lived in London for 5 years, and everyone warned me about the same thing’, I said. ‘The rain never bothered … Read More

10 Things I learned while on Sabbatical

Categories: All things Cultured, Exploring the World, Humour, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Productivity

Well we’ve been back from our 8-month long sabbatical for a bit more than a month now and a considerable amount of time after returning has been spent reminiscing. A number of people have asked about lessons we learned, what we would do again, or what we would do differently. After reflecting for some time, I … Read More


Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World, India, Italy, Spain, Thailand, UK

Well here’s our  4  6 month plan…  1  3 months down, only 3 months left to go. We are still trying to figure out India (Kerala? Bhuj? Where else??), Tunisia, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Laos… We are stopping in each, but no plans yet!! Tips and Tricks welcome!

My next Venture: SnapMake

Categories: San Francisco, Technology, VC world

Today, I am happy to announce my next chapter — SnapMake.  After of hours of Post Its, MVPs, pivots, scrum of scrums, and ‘feeling the customer’, we have secured our Series A round of funding from Gaelsofo Capital.  We are excited about this opportunity to open offices in downtown San Francisco, recruit the most talented … Read More

MWC 2014 Recap

Categories: Product Development, Spain, Tech Reviews, Technology

Following are my notes from MWC 2014 Overall, it was pretty underwhelming as a conference. There were a few interesting standouts, but in general it was more of the same — fortunately, we were part of one of the most exciting events, Samsung’s Unpacked Event for the S5 – which technically was not part of … Read More