Goodnight Facebook, Goodnight Twitter, Goodnight noises…

Categories: Building the Six Pack (or 24), Health, Humour, Meditation, Miscellaneous, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Random Thoughts

Goodnight Twitter, Goodnight Facebook, Goodnight noises everywhere… It’s time to say goodnight to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and all the other different social media dopamine sites out there. Not because I don’t like them necessarily, but more just because it is time to stop the noises everywhere and lean more towards growth and learning which those … Read More

Donate to #Movember and win a Kindle Fire

Categories: Health, Social Networks, Technology

So I received a Kindle Fire as a gift, and so I’m going to give it out to one lucky donor of for #Movember. All you gotta do is follow, tweet, and donate. Donate a minimum of $5 to my #Movember page, follow @funkstop, and tweet: “Win a Kindle Fire. Follow & donate $5 to … Read More

What’s with the Mo?

Categories: Health, Random Thoughts

So why did I join Movember this year? For the past couple years, as winter has started to set in, I’ve watched as fellow gents not only adorn winter jackets and wool caps, but also well groomed whiskers, transforming into alter-characters in an attempt to raise awareness for prostate cancer. It has grown to be … Read More

Trust me

Categories: Health

This past week was a tough one at work… it’s well known now that we laid off about 4% of employees. I was actually pretty impressed with how well it was handled. The transparency, the consideration and support given, and overall reasoning was well explained and executed.  Regardless though, you know that those who were … Read More