Upgrading Synology 412j+ Storage Capacity

Categories: How-to's, Maintenance, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Technology

About 2 years ago, I bought a couple of hard drives at bargain basement prices. At the same time, we were moving, so I put them into a storage box, and after the move, I forgot about them. This weekend, I came across them, and thought – ‘Hey! this could be a fun weekend project!’ … Read More

Fix Corrupted Time Machine Backups

Categories: Apple/Mac, How-to's, Maintenance, Technology
Time Machine Verification Error

If you find these instructions valuable, please provide some feedback and/or comments so that I can feel good about myself 🙂 This past couple months have been a time of experimenting and cleaning up household ‘tech debt’. I’ve had a couple of old laptops that had had met untimely deaths and still needed to have … Read More

Do the impossible: Multitask (part 4 of 5)

Categories: How-to's, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Productivity, Random Thoughts, Social Networks

Welcome to the next function: Notifications, Interrupts, Flags, and Semaphores. If you haven’t already, you may want to read the previous posts: Part 1: Multitasking is a necessity Part 2: Starting points for the 1st function: Prioritization Part 3: Time-Slicing It’s been another week and there’s another article talking about the detriments of multitasking, and … Read More

Do the Impossible: Multitask (Part 3 of 5)

Categories: How-to's, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Productivity, Random Thoughts

Learning the 2nd function: Time-Slicing Welcome back! The next function in mastering how to Multitask: TimeSlicing. If you haven’t already, you may want to read the previous posts: Part 1: Multitasking is a necessity Part 2: Starting points for the 1st function: Prioritization In the first post, we got the basics of multitasking down (vs multi-processing … Read More

Do the impossible: Multitask (part 2 of 5)

Categories: How-to's, Product Development, Productivity, Random Thoughts

Starting points to mastering the 4 basic functions of multitasking:Prioritization, TimeBoxing, Notifications and Flags, Scheduling. This is the 2nd of a multi-part post on multitasking?—?if you haven’t already, read Part 1: Multitasking is a necessity. Learn to be an executing machine. As mentioned in the previous post, the key to multitasking effectively, is to model … Read More

Do the Impossible: Multitask (Part 1 of 5)

Categories: How-to's, Product Development, Productivity

Multitasking is a necessity. Learn to be an executing machine. (This article is also on Medium) I’ve always been a proponent of “work hard, play hard”?—?sure, ultimately you have to get things done, but no matter what effort you’re putting your time into, you should do it well and with the utmost focus. When you’re … Read More