Here We Go: Blogging Again

Categories: All things Cultured, Miscellaneous, Random Thoughts
I Blog because I'm Not a Good Rapper

So I figured to start out on this again the way I did almost 15 years ago… to just start sharing my thoughts. I recall sending emails and posting on sites that existed back then (‘Future project reminder: find those emails and posts and collate them!’). I remember trailing off around 2010. My blog was … Read More

Seeing the Trees as well as the Forest

Categories: All things Cultured, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Technology

In my alternate dream world, I live immersed in a world of arts and culture — traveling from gallery to gallery or show to show, allowing myself to get lost in the creativity. Over the past few years, I’ve been delving back into exploring my first love: Art – music, painting, photography. The creativity that … Read More

Book Review: The First 90 Days — 3*

Categories: All things Cultured, Books, Productivity

The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels by Michael D. Watkins My rating: 3 of 5 stars An ok book – it rambles a lot at times, but there are some very clear tools which are useful. I was expecting a book that was very distinct … Read More

Fix Corrupted Time Machine Backups

Categories: Apple/Mac, How-to's, Maintenance, Technology
Time Machine Verification Error

If you find these instructions valuable, please provide some feedback and/or comments so that I can feel good about myself 🙂 This past couple months have been a time of experimenting and cleaning up household ‘tech debt’. I’ve had a couple of old laptops that had had met untimely deaths and still needed to have … Read More

The 5 Hats of Product Management

Categories: Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Technology

Image courtesy of Bob Jagendorf, on Flickr One of the most misunderstood roles in the valley is that of a Product Manager. Depending upon which company you go to, and which methodologies or processes that company is using, there is a different definition of a product manager. With everyone flocking to Agile/Scrum, there is yet … Read More