Petal Diagram Template

Categories: Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Product Management, VC world

A couple years ago, after reading a post by Steve Blank on a new way to look at competition, I created a powerpoint template for a petal diagram. I’ve since used it numerous times on various projects.

In the past months, I’ve been asked multiple times for if I had a template, so I figured I may as well share it. Feel free to use and adapt with attribution. Share your success or failures with it!

You may also find it interesting to read a counter argument of using the petal diagram by Tomasz Tunguz – who btw, has a great blog, in case you are not already reading it.

Petal Diagram Template (Updated to pptx)

Let me know if you find this useful or how it could add more value. Feel free to share.


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