The Favour Bank

Categories: All things Cultured, Books, Random Thoughts
Bank Error in your Favor (Monopoly)

I can’t exactly remember when it was, but some time in 2000 after I had been living in London for a couple years, I met this American girl named Julie (I can’t believe I’ve forgotten her last name! but she worked at the Pizza Express near Camden Market, in case she ever stumbles upon this … Read More

Upgrading Synology 412j+ Storage Capacity

Categories: How-to's, Maintenance, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Technology

About 2 years ago, I bought a couple of hard drives at bargain basement prices. At the same time, we were moving, so I put them into a storage box, and after the move, I forgot about them. This weekend, I came across them, and thought – ‘Hey! this could be a fun weekend project!’ … Read More

Make your mark

Categories: All things Cultured, Writing

I don’t hear your desire Knocking down trees, kindling a fire Don’t confuse my negative as thinking it’s dire I simply aspire The layers of anguish, that languish, burn and crash through The mountain top is my next stop You can’t imagine the flare Scorching the sky forcing you to stare In awe, quivering in … Read More

Reference Points

Categories: All things Cultured, Exploring the World, Humour, Miscellaneous, Random Thoughts
Two Stupid Chickens

I’ve been traveling to Seattle often lately to work with one of my Engineering teams. I was warned about the rain and how it would be depressing, but I was sure it wouldn’t be. ‘I lived in London for 5 years, and everyone warned me about the same thing’, I said. ‘The rain never bothered … Read More