
Categories: Random Thoughts

Last day in London… didn’t expect to feel this sad about it..

Maybe Reading is a bad thing…

Categories: Books, Exploring the World, Italy

I’m in Florence right now, walking the streets, checking out the art, etc – and well, I’ve been scared witless when walking down some of the streets at night! I’m in the middle of reading The DaVinci Code, and while the book takes place in London and Paris, the whole theme about mysterious church groups … Read More

Richard Parker is real

Categories: Books

WARNING: Potential Spoilers. Life of Pi has got to be one of the best books that I have ever read. It blows my mind away to think about the different levels of the book. A story within a story, one that you want to be real, and the other you want to be false, and … Read More

Taj Mahal

Categories: Exploring the World

Taj Mahal What an incredible building!! I can’t believe the entire thing is built out of marble. The experience didn’t really meet expectations though – A BIT OF ADVICE: GO EARLY! The grounds are incredible (my pictures don’t really do it justice), but they really gotta do with something about all of the scammers on … Read More

more from afghanistan

Categories: Afghanistan, Exploring the World

So I woke up this morning and for some reason more so than any other day, it really hit me that I’m in Kabul… so much has happened in the past 4 months that it should have hit me earlier but today for some reason it was just in stuck in my head. Anyway, many … Read More

initial afghan thoughts…

Categories: Afghanistan, Exploring the World

it’s only been a couple of weeks and it already feels like it has been months… afghanistan, or kabul since that’s all i’ve seen so far, is not like i expected. I didn’t expect that a lot of people would speak basic english or Urdu, and I definitely didn’t expect it to be so busy. … Read More

My first post with Windows Live Writer

Categories: Miscellaneous

seems pretty good so far – gives me all the functionality i need plus more. picked up all my settings from wordpress although the alignment is a bit messed up in the editor.  let’s see if it corrects itself on the post