Brunch Review: La Bréhandaise crêperie

Categories: French, Restaurants, Toronto

Looking for a bit of ‘joie de vivre‘ for brunch? take a trip out to Queen West just past Shaw St, for a visit to La Bréhandaise crêperie to indulge in traditional french galettes (buckwheat crepes), french wines, or if you prefer to stay local, quebec apple cider and cheeses.  From the first step in, you’ll … Read More

Comfort Food

Categories: All things Cultured, Health, Restaurants, Toronto

I haven’t written about a restaurant for a while, but last night I ventured out to Leslieville (my favourite neighbourhood for the past 4 years), and visited Hanoi 3 Seasons again, and had to spread the good word. If you’ve been following my choice restaurants, then by now, you’ll know that I opt for the … Read More

Authentic Ethiopian

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World, Restaurants

To be honest, although I really like it now, I wasn’t a huge fan of Ethiopian food when i first tried it… i found the tastes completely different to what i would expect – but the atmosphere of going to a traditional Ethiopian restaurant is a lot of fun… I had to go again before leaving just to get … Read More

Oyster Boy – 4 stars

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

This is an awesome restaurant! it’s a small tiny place on Queen St West near Shaw, across from the Candy Lofts. Here’s an exact map of it. I personally think that Toronto needs more of these intimate, cozy, and hidden away gems. In contrast to the over-designed, soon-to-be tacky looking places popping up all over … Read More

Life in my Locale

Categories: Restaurants, Tech Reviews, Technology, Toronto

Despite my earlier reluctance about MSN’s Web2.0 offerings, I decided to try out their new Live Local after reading so many good things about it (particularly on Farhan Thawar’s blog).

My goal was to place all of my Restaurants into a list that can be displayed on a map. I was actually pleasantly surprised


Categories: Restaurants, Toronto, World News

previously i wrote about the cost of living and metrics in other cities recently, i’ve been seeing other articles about it and it got me thinking about other indexes and ways of measuring cost of living – one of the most common indexes is the burgernomics metric that the Economist puts out. The argument is … Read More


Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

man – i was excited to go to this place – a conveyor belt sushi bar (kaiten-sushi)!  Toronto finally has an establishment which took over other parts of the world in the 90s… Well unfortunately in this case, late is definitely last…i gotta say – this place is pretty bad.  first to start off with, the atmosphere was … Read More

Fish ‘n Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar, Vinegar…

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

Shocking to some i’m sure, but I confess that I actually miss london loads. i miss the buzz, the crowds on the streets, the indulgence of excess in nearly everything, and sadly even the general indifference towards poor service…

open your stomach and your heart will follow

Categories: Miscellaneous, Restaurants, Toronto

as most of my friends know, i’m a glutton for food… I love trying new foods, going to new restaurants, and sampling new cuisines .. and i don’t mean to sample by foraying into the ‘hip and trendy, IT spot for this month’ type restaurants, but restaurants that…