Fish ‘n Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar, Vinegar…

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

Picture taken by justbadpot.

Shocking to some I’m sure, but I confess that I actually miss London loads. i miss the buzz, the crowds on the streets, the indulgence of excess in nearly everything, and sadly even the general indifference towards poor service… but one of the things i really do miss most, is fish and chips – even though the national dish in the UK has long changed to chicken tikka masala, I’m a bit old school and feasted on the deep fried fish and potato slices often – especially on typically rainy London evenings at the local pub near my flat – I have to admit I never really got into the mushy peas though…

Well since moving back to Toronto, I’ve been searching for a decent chippie here and i think I’ve found one. In fact, I’m going to hazard being the victim of frenetic nationalistic British pride and proclaim that the fish and chips at Reliable Fish and Chips at 954 Queen St East (one block west of Carlaw), can compete with any place in London… well maybe with the exception of Rock and Sole Plaice in Covent garden, (i won’t even attempt to compete with the chippies in Brighton…) –

Reliable not only has great food, but they’ve got the experience well thought out too – crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside chips, cooled ketchup (such a simple thing but hardly any places do this!), and the spray bottles for vinegar so that your chips are evenly coated – this place had it all – even the decor looked like an old school fish’n chips diner (actually Reliable has been around for over 80 years…)

but more on the real draw – the fish! no lack of choice here, they have it all – haddock, halibut, or cod – to be expected to be traditional and the portions were sizeable – but what tipped the scale was the homage to true Canadian fare – battered wild salmon fish! I’m hooked! this was some of the best tasting salmon I’ve had in Toronto – especially given the difficulty in finding places that even stock wild salmon – Reliable is definitely going to be a steady place for me – it IS the best place for fish ‘n chips – if I’m wrong, i challenge you to call me on it!

Fish ‘n Chips, and Vinegar, Vinegar, Vinegar
Pepper, Pepper, Pepper, Salt!

UPDATE Jan 12, 2007: Added address


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