
Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World, India, Italy, Spain, Thailand, UK

Well here’s our  4  6 month plan…  1  3 months down, only 3 months left to go. We are still trying to figure out India (Kerala? Bhuj? Where else??), Tunisia, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Laos… We are stopping in each, but no plans yet!! Tips and Tricks welcome!

Budding photographer

Categories: Exploring the World, India, Photography

Watch out Testino – my pictures are in demand too… ok, ok, so what’s got me waving the gauntlet?  A few weeks ago Greg Cruey from Asia for Visitors contacted me and asked to use some of my pictures from Flickr – I was quite chuffed to know that someone likes my pictures enough to … Read More

Book Review: Siddhartha

Categories: Books, India

Siddhartha: *** (three stars) Some time ago, I finished reading the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, but much like I did with reading the book, I’ve been procrastinating finishing a review! I’d heard great things about this book, but i found it a struggle to get through it. It took me nearly 3 months to … Read More

TIFF 2006 Movie: The Namesake

Categories: India, Movies, Toronto

Rating: 9/10 When I was backpacking around India earlier this year, a lot of people told me to read The Namesake but being the lazy guy that I am, I didn’t want to carry the extra weight (the book probably weighs over a pound if not two…). So when we went to go see this … Read More

India Route

Categories: Exploring the World, India

I finally got the data of my GPS and created a Google Earth map. in the next couple of days i’ll start creating a mashup and linking pictures. For now, there are quicklinks below the map quick links to pics Bombay Pune Goa Hyderabad Khajuraho Varanasi Lucknow Taj Fatepur Sikri Jaipur Pushkar Jodhpur Jaisalmer Udaipur … Read More

Someone Bail me out

Categories: India, Random Thoughts, Toronto

So i’ve got distressing news – I was arrested today… I got caught for j-walking, and since i didn’t have my ID, i was taken in to the station where they fingerprinted me, and found some outstanding items from university days and so now they’ve taken my mug shots. I’m still here since i was … Read More