Book Review: Hitching Rides with Buddha

Categories: Books, Exploring the World

Hitching Rides with Buddha ***1/2 had peaks and lows – parts that kept me really fixed and others that felt like it was just rambling. Overall though, his insight into characters was funny and it really made me want to hitchhike Japan! well just hitchhike in general. the book is great for my current trip … Read More

Book Review: Transmission by Hari Kunzru

Categories: Books

made me laugh a lot – maybe it is because I have been to each of the cities described in the book and that I could get the humour about each of them. kinda like six-degrees of separation crossing continents and cultures – it’s about four characters that seem unconnected struggling to fulfill their dreams. … Read More

Indian Big Mac

Categories: Exploring the World, India, Restaurants

I finally caved and went to McDonald’s… amazing! i think in most McDonald’s they have specific machines to help make their food, in India, i’m sure they have a ‘Ma’ in the back making the food. The me…

Liar, liar pants on fire…

Categories: Random Thoughts, World News

This is too funny.. some company in the UK claims that that Brits are a bunch of liars… explains why everything is so difficult over there. Everyone knows that everyone else is lying! Here’s an article at the Register about it. Not so sure how valid the ‘conning a security guard’ part is… does figuring … Read More

It has begun

Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

I’ve received 12 spam comments today. Each for either home loans or debt consolidation services. Perhaps the solution is not to prevent the spam, but to educate the fools who actually use the services flogged through spam. If people didn’t use the services, the value of spam would decrease… I still want to know who … Read More

Green Papaya – four stars

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

Found another great restaurant – Green Papaya at 2401 Yonge Street. Although the Yonge and Eglington area is dying out lately, this restaurant is worth venturing to. The look of the place is pretty cool – minimalistic but still upscale – has a mixed aged crowd with a lot of eye-candy, and with a bit … Read More

Gio Rana’s really really nice restaurant – four stars

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

My first thought – what a stoooopid name… so I was already negative on the place – man I was wrong! The place is really really funky and cool. Everything from the entrance, to the interior design, to the ambiance looks like it is minimalistic, but you can tell that a lot of thought has … Read More

Prod Review: Lacie Mobile Harddrive

Categories: Random Thoughts, Tech Reviews, Technology

So as I wrote about in an earlier post, my Sony Vaio crashed last week and so I’ve been backing everything off of it using a Lacie 40 GB Mobile Harddrive. I choose the Lacie drive simply because it had the best price point, and frankly, I’m a sucker for gimmicks (he Lacie drive was … Read More

Kudos to Apple

Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

Apple paid tribute to Rosa Parks by bringing back their Think Different campaign and changing their front page to primarily display the a black and white photo of her. I didn’t even know about this until reading about it in CNet.