Fatehpur Sikri

Categories: Exploring the World, India

FatepurSikriCourtyardthank you to everyone who said to come here! This place is incredible. I actually got here late yesterday because the bus from Agra was slow (or fast depending upon your expections) and so decided to stay in Ajay hotel in Fatehpur Sikri – completely basic room – no hot water except in a bucket, only indian style toilets – i still don’t understand how to use these things?!?

so this morning i thought i’d get up and spend a couple of hours in the palace and then head to Rajasthan – instead i ended up spending over 6 hours in the palace. I went and bought some fruit, pulled out my book, and just chilled out on the grounds. Fatepur Sikri has got to be one of the nicest places i’ve seen in India – there’s barely anyone inside the main grounds and nobody hassles you whatsoever. definitely a bonus before getting to Rajasthan.


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