trains and cell phones

Categories: Exploring the World, India, Technology

I got on my first train ride today (last-night) – three-tier sleeper. not that bad actually. There are 8-beds per cabin – two sets of 3-tier bunks on one side of the cabin and a two-tier bunk on the other side – but no doors and the walkway runs through the center of the cabin, … Read More


Categories: Exploring the World, India, Technology

I never have my camera when I need it! As part of our climb today, we had to rock climb up the side of a cliff to get to some temple caves, with images of Shiva, carved into the side of the mountain….

How-To set up your own blog

Categories: How-to's, Technology

I’ve been asked by a number of people about how I started my blog and for help to start theirs. Most of them had used online sites like Blogger or something like that, but like me they wanted to host…

First taste of India

Categories: Exploring the World, How-to's, India

So I went to go get my visa for India today… what a mess!  Like any other consulate’s, the Indian consulate’s hours of operation are limited – you have to arrive between 9am and 11am to drop your visa application off, and then return (usually) later the same day around 4pm to pick up the … Read More

Flickr functions I’d like

Categories: Exploring the World, Tech Reviews, Technology

I’ve been sorting out my pics on Flickr and am actually getting a bit frustrated. Flickr hasn’t made many updates to the organizing tools for a while. Sure, the real value in Flickr is in th social connections but there are few functions which I’d like to see. First – i’d like more control over … Read More

Google Base Returns

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

Google Base – what’s it good for? I’m interested to hear what others think. it seems way too basic of a service – felt like i was back in 1995 and using Yahoo. By now it’s quite obvious that Google is becoming a portal but while some services are Web2.0, Google Base seems way too … Read More

Sony knows customer usability but not service

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

So I finally got my Sony Vaio back from Sony Repairs – wow whatta pulava that was. It turned out that the Harddrive had failed, but Sony did their best to try to ensure that I couldn’t get it replaced under warranty. I first took it to the Sony Style store where I had purchased … Read More

Mechanical Turk can’t solve everything

Categories: Technology, VC world

I like it when I see Web 1.0 companies rollout new and innovative services. Last week, Amazon launched a new service, Mechanical Turk. According to their about pages, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk ‘solves the problem of building applications that have not worked well because they lack human intelligence’ – all those nay sayers of computers must … Read More

It has begun

Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

I’ve received 12 spam comments today. Each for either home loans or debt consolidation services. Perhaps the solution is not to prevent the spam, but to educate the fools who actually use the services flogged through spam. If people didn’t use the services, the value of spam would decrease… I still want to know who … Read More

Mapping wars heating up

Categories: Technology

It’s like 1999 all over again but the players have changed. Yahoo just upped the ante and announced upgrades to their mapping service.