Fatehpur Sikri

Categories: Exploring the World, India

thank you to everyone who said to come here! This place is incredible. I actually got here late yesterday because the bus from Agra was slow (or fast depending upon your expections) and so decided to stay in Ajay hotel in Fatehpur Sikri – completely basic room – no hot water except in a bucket, … Read More

Look now!

Categories: Exploring the World, India

I’m looking, i’m looking – yup, Lucknow is definitely worth seeing…. this city is really modern by indian standards – super clean, green parks everywhere, great food. the city has enough money that they even have road reflectors on the streets! makes everyone stay in their lanes (which is unheard of in other parts of … Read More


Categories: Exploring the World, India

VaranasiDoc So my breathing virus came back and i had to see another doctor today who gave me another prescription… check his name out on the scan… anyone else think i should get a second opinion?

Crazy town

Categories: Exploring the World, India

this city is trippy… – burning bodies upstream from bathing sadhus, – people washing and brushing their teeth next to each other – goats, cows, people, and motorbikes all roaming through streets narrow enough that you can touch both sides if you stretch your arms out – wierd ‘babus’ walking around chanting and blessing you … Read More


Categories: Exploring the World, India

Of all the things people told me about traveling around India – no one mentioned laundry. It’s crazy expensive to get someone to do it – they charge approx 50 cents an item – and since they don’t have machines anywhere, you know they’re washing them in the river…


Categories: Exploring the World, India

this is the city with the famous ‘sex’ carvings on the temple – man some of them are seriously rude! I can’t even bring myself to put the pictures up on my Flickr site. Something definitely wrong with the people that made these… The city overall though is kinda crap – not much there but … Read More