TIFF 2006 Movie: Mainline

Categories: Miscellaneous, Movies, Toronto

Rating: 7.5/10 ok i have to admit i’m weak – if i was in the position of the family in this movie, i think i’d be tempted to help the child commit suicide – i don’t think i would be able to watch the agony and misery they’re going through. This movie seemed to go … Read More

TIFF 2006 Movie: Saraphim Falls

Categories: Movies, Toronto

Rating: 3/10 This movie sucked – first I wasn’t expecting much to begin with since my friend had told me that Saraphim Falls it was a slow movie about two cowboys in the early part of the century – i imagined a brokeback knockoff and wasn’t expecting too much. It stared Pierce Bronson and Liam … Read More

TIFF 2006 Movie: The Namesake

Categories: India, Movies, Toronto

Rating: 9/10 When I was backpacking around India earlier this year, a lot of people told me to read The Namesake but being the lazy guy that I am, I didn’t want to carry the extra weight (the book probably weighs over a pound if not two…). So when we went to go see this … Read More

An Inconvenient Truth

Categories: Movies, Technology, Toronto, World News

so i had to post this. the idea that Al Gore had put together a movie which is basically just clips of him travelling the world giving powerpoint presentations about global warming – or as he calls it, the climate crisis, had me a bit skeptical – my friend was putting together the Canadian premier … Read More

TIFF Movie: Romance and Cigarettes

Categories: Movies, Toronto

By far the best movie I’ve seen in long time. I knew that there were a lot of big names in the movie, but I had no idea what the movie was about. I was on the ground laughing my ass off when in the first 15min James Gandolfini (who will always seem like Tony … Read More

TIFF Movie: Water

Categories: Movies, Toronto

Just got back from the Toronto International Film Festival opening, featuring Deepa Mehta’s latest movie from her elements trilogy – Water. A great choice by far. If there is anything that I could say was a fault with the movie, it was that there seemed to be too many sub story lines. The movie takes … Read More