Zanzibar Recalled

Categories: Zanzibar

this used to be one of my favourite places, but i’m not sure it is anymore -way too many drug addicts on the street – and not just ganja smokers, but addicts of harder stuff like coke or something. i felt like i was in the movie New Jack City. people were harrassing us everywhere, … Read More


Categories: Uganda

The entire time we’ve been in Uganda so far, we’ve been trying to find out where Kamuli and Mbulamuti are (yeah, imagine trying to say those without even knowing how they are spelt…) – our families used to live there before Idi kicked them out in 70s, but everyone here has been telling us there … Read More

Bring on the Nile

Categories: Uganda

we went white water rafting on the Nile today. We took on three class V rapids and number of class IV and class III ones. We even flipped a couple of times, but more because our guide let us flip on purpose! Our guide was Uganda’s kayaking olympian in Sydney, so having no fear, was … Read More


Categories: Uganda

wow! this city is awesome! unlike anywhere else in east africa, you can actually walk about the streets here without worrying about being mugged or killed.

Safari Day 3

Categories: Kenya

Well today we were actually supposed to go straight to the airport to fly back to nairobi. along the way though – the call came in: a leopard in a tree! some people i’ve spoken to with who live here in kenya haven’t spotted a leopard in over ten years. one guy said that in … Read More

Safari Day 2

Categories: Kenya

Today hasn’t been the greatest, but we have seen a lot more than some of the other groups. We saw a cheetah hidden away in a little bush – I have no idea how anyone found out it was there. We were literaly 10 ft away and I almost missed seeing it. Then as we … Read More

Safari day 1

Categories: Kenya

the first couple of hours were almost mind numbing… i think because we had to drive 5 hours from nairobi to masai mara through roads with potholes the size of a small car, we were already dead tired. We arrived into Masai Mara and checked into our rooms at the Fig Tree Hotel (ok, ok, … Read More

Book Review: Baby Khaki’s Wings

Categories: Books, Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar

Baby Khaki’s Wings: **** (four stars) This turned out to be the best book to read while out here. It a collection of short stories which take place in various East African and Canadian cities and are very Ismaili centric (specifically Ismailis from East Africa) – many of the stories I could relate to – … Read More


Categories: Kenya

time: 10:00pm on Thursday… just landed into mombasa and into the hotel – unreal place. it’s actually in Diani in the south of mombasa. the beach is phenomenal. This is going to be one great trip! time: midnight Saturday — This has got to be one of the best weddings I have ever been to! … Read More

Dubai Airport

Categories: Exploring the World

yet another layover in Dubai – this time for all of 8 hours… from 1 am to 10am. there’s no point leaving the airport since the malls are closed – so i’ve decided to just roam around the airport for awhile, find a good place to sleep. I’ve pretty much slept the entire toronto to … Read More