Safari day 1

Categories: Kenya
figtree tents

the first couple of hours were almost mind numbing… i think because we had to drive 5 hours from nairobi to masai mara through roads with potholes the size of a small car, we were already dead tired. We arrived into Masai Mara and checked into our rooms at the Fig Tree Hotel (ok, ok, they were more like luxury tents), and then around 3pm we headed out into the park to find some animals. giraffes across a river, but we can’t go there since it’s too far. Then rumours of a leopard in a tree, but we couldn’t see it -it was across the river as well. On we went, a few wildebeast, a few wart hogs, and finally we did see some waterbuffalo and some elephants. But still none of the really exciting game… until around sunset – suddenly a glimpse of a lion on a nearby ridge so we jetted over, and then another lion nearby just sleeping on his side, another lion about another hundred meters away and a couple of cubs running around in the field. we zoomed from one field to another to watch them struting around. The coolest part though, was when the three male lions grouped together and started playing around with each other – it was like watching a scene from Lion King – the three of them just kept pushing each other around and slowly walked off into the sunset. the last hour definitely made the whole trip worth it.


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