Safari Day 3

Categories: Kenya

Well today we were actually supposed to go straight to the airport to fly back to nairobi. along the way though – the call came in: a leopard in a tree! some people i’ve spoken to with who live here in kenya haven’t spotted a leopard in over ten years. one guy said that in … Read More

Safari Day 2

Categories: Kenya

Today hasn’t been the greatest, but we have seen a lot more than some of the other groups. We saw a cheetah hidden away in a little bush – I have no idea how anyone found out it was there. We were literaly 10 ft away and I almost missed seeing it. Then as we … Read More

Safari day 1

Categories: Kenya

the first couple of hours were almost mind numbing… i think because we had to drive 5 hours from nairobi to masai mara through roads with potholes the size of a small car, we were already dead tired. We arrived into Masai Mara and checked into our rooms at the Fig Tree Hotel (ok, ok, … Read More

Book Review: Baby Khaki’s Wings

Categories: Books, Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar

Baby Khaki’s Wings: **** (four stars) This turned out to be the best book to read while out here. It a collection of short stories which take place in various East African and Canadian cities and are very Ismaili centric (specifically Ismailis from East Africa) – many of the stories I could relate to – … Read More


Categories: Kenya

time: 10:00pm on Thursday… just landed into mombasa and into the hotel – unreal place. it’s actually in Diani in the south of mombasa. the beach is phenomenal. This is going to be one great trip! time: midnight Saturday — This has got to be one of the best weddings I have ever been to! … Read More