Bring on the Nile

Categories: Uganda

we went white water rafting on the Nile today. We took on three class V rapids and number of class IV and class III ones. We even flipped a couple of times, but more because our guide let us flip on purpose! Our guide was Uganda’s kayaking olympian in Sydney, so having no fear, was having fun with us. But despite his efforts, we made it through the final class V called ‘The Bad Place’ without flipping – we had to skip the first bit because it was ranked as a class VI. These rapids are currently ranked to be comparable to Africa’s other great run on the Zambezi river, but unfortunately they may be gone soon. Although Jinja’s tourism is benefiting largely from the Nile run (even Geri Spice and future King, Prince William have tackled it), the basic need for energy has to take priority i guess and so the government has decided to commission a new dam near the rapids to address the constant power outages here. Currently, as of 2008, these rapids will be no more…


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