Rajasthan Bus Ride

Categories: Exploring the World, India

Well we got scammed by Yogi’s guesthouse on a bus ticket from Jodhpur to Jaisalmar, but we eventually found the bus and although we were supposed to have dedicated seats, we got stuck in the sleeper section (flat bunk bed) with three other people on it. this is on a bus! so when you’re sitting on the bunk and if you’re taller than 4 feet, your head is going to hit the roof.

So anyway, I was sitting with these two guys up top who were nice enough and eventually the converstation steered towards – ‘you speak hindi?? how do you speak hindi? your ancestors lived in gujarat? so are you married?’… ok so i could figure out where this conversation was going… well when he found out my age and that i wasn’t married, he refused to believe me. according to him, in Rajasthan, in the villages, boys are married by 16 or 17 and in the big cities, they get married by 20 or 21. But if you’re 30 and not married, you must be ‘pagal’ (a crazy person). I asked him if he was trying to say that he was not a pagal, but i don’t think he understood my question. after awhile though he accepted that I wasn’t married and eventually offered to introduce me to Rajasthani girl – and while I got to admit that girls from the desert region with their green eyes are pretty and the dowri would probably have gained me a couple of camels and goats – i decided to decline his offer…

now that about half the trip had passed, we were all best buds, so when they ordered some pakoras (deep fried veggies) from a street vendor at one of the stops, they insisted that I eat some with them and refused to accept no almost force feeding me. They then proceeded to open my water bottle and take a couple of swigs each – obviously i had some pakoras, so now they can share my water…. aaah yes, maybe i’m the pagal…

  • i guess my original post wasn’t quite correct – it wasn’t yogi who scammed us, but the bus company i guess. when we got on the bus, multiple people had passes for the same seat. And since they were already on the seat, there wasn’t much we could do. As for Yogi, it wasn’t his fault (although, he could’ve warned us of this possibility) – in all other respects, we had a great time staying at Yogi’s Guesthouse!

  • forget the rest believe inb the best first of all i like to tell there is no scam about the bus ride if you wanted to buy a bus ticket from anywhere in india they will always said you its deluxe buses which is also true not wrong but if the bus peoples like to fill it up you have to be smart and avoid it not me or the hotel people but if you says its ok then wht the hotel people can do and if you really are tall and dont like to travel in local public buses better you arrnge your own car or goes in a train which is available through out india ………

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