Design Patterns for the Real World

Categories: How-to's, Leadership, Nerd Corner: Tech, Mobile, and Product Development, Product Development, Product Management, Productivity, Random Thoughts, Software, Technology

Every engineer, over the years of their career, develops an appreciation for particular design patterns. In general, there are multiple tools that one can pull from for any particular problem, and engineers with different personalities end up with their own customized grab bag of tricks including preferred patterns. My personal favorite pattern was always the … Read More

Project 12: Month 3 Meal: Bob’s Nasi Goreng

Categories: Cooking, How-to's, Project12

Month 3 – here we go! (I’ll get the previous month’s up soon…) The basic premise behind Project 12 is, as part of my #biggestwinner efforts, to create one dish a month which hopefully others will tell me ‘Yay-or-Nay’ in terms of health… plus it keeps me practicing cooking… Goal this time was to use … Read More

Help Me with my Resolutions!

Categories: Health, How-to's, Random Thoughts

This weekend was Navroz (Persian New Year) , which is when I normally start my resolutions for the year.  This year I tried starting them like normal people on Jan 1st, and now that Navroz and a bit more than 2.5 months of 2009 have passed, I’m assessing how my theme for the year is going. … Read More

Triple Threat

Categories: How-to's, Spam, Technology

I get way too much spam on my blog and I’m getting tired of having to moderate the messages.  It takes away from the instant gratification for users, and it just eats away at my time…  so I’ve installed some new plugins to try and fight back.  I’ve taken a three pronged approach 1. Installed … Read More

External DVD Writer – Build vs Buy?

Categories: Apple/Mac, How-to's, Technology

I’ve been on the hunt to get an external DVD burner for my machines. The problem: I got one PC running Windows 2000 , one Mac running OS X Panther (10.3.9) and another machine which I’m running Linux DSL on. but I only wanted to buy one burner and i’ve been trying to scrounge on … Read More

My second post with Windows Live

Categories: How-to's, Technology

I tried my first one yesterday but I couldn’t find it.  I assumed that it didn’t work but i later realized that for some reason, it posted it to November 30th, 1999!  i had tried adjusting the properties to post 2 hours earlier than when I was actually typing so I don’t know if that … Read More

Overdue Bling: Technorati

Categories: How-to's, Tech Reviews, Technology

I’ve finally inserted the necessary code for Technorati on to my site – up until now i wanted to gain some data so that I can measure the value added by new Web2.0 apps. In short, the adding of Technorati was a pain. First off, their site sucks – it looks like a screwed up … Read More

How-To set up your own blog

Categories: How-to's, Technology

I’ve been asked by a number of people about how I started my blog and for help to start theirs. Most of them had used online sites like Blogger or something like that, but like me they wanted to host…

First taste of India

Categories: Exploring the World, How-to's, India

So I went to go get my visa for India today… what a mess!  Like any other consulate’s, the Indian consulate’s hours of operation are limited – you have to arrive between 9am and 11am to drop your visa application off, and then return (usually) later the same day around 4pm to pick up the … Read More