
Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

man – i was excited to go to this place – a conveyor belt sushi bar (kaiten-sushi)!  Toronto finally has an establishment which took over other parts of the world in the 90s… Well unfortunately in this case, late is definitely last…i gotta say – this place is pretty bad.  first to start off with, the atmosphere was … Read More

FeedBlitz glitch?

Categories: Technology

for some reason FeedBlitz switched the status of my feed to ‘pause’ – the message simply said ‘your feed has been paused by you or the system’ – i’m not sure when it happened, but i’ve…

Fish ‘n Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar, Vinegar…

Categories: Restaurants, Toronto

Shocking to some i’m sure, but I confess that I actually miss london loads. i miss the buzz, the crowds on the streets, the indulgence of excess in nearly everything, and sadly even the general indifference towards poor service…

open your stomach and your heart will follow

Categories: Miscellaneous, Restaurants, Toronto

as most of my friends know, i’m a glutton for food… I love trying new foods, going to new restaurants, and sampling new cuisines .. and i don’t mean to sample by foraying into the ‘hip and trendy, IT spot for this month’ type restaurants, but restaurants that…

wireless toronto

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology, Toronto

Toronto’s free downtown wi-fi – – has been live for about a month – but i’m only using it for the first time now. I wonder how useful this service really is – I’m sitting in Dundas Square trying to use the hotspot here, and while the weather isn’t that bad today, it’ll only … Read More

Overdue Bling: Technorati

Categories: How-to's, Tech Reviews, Technology

I’ve finally inserted the necessary code for Technorati on to my site – up until now i wanted to gain some data so that I can measure the value added by new Web2.0 apps. In short, the adding of Technorati was a pain. First off, their site sucks – it looks like a screwed up … Read More

Nuite Blanche

Categories: All things Cultured, Exploring the World, Toronto

Picture taken by Mute* Just to prove that Toronto isn’t lackin in culture – the city pulled of one the coolest events ever yesterday – I’d have to say that it definitely ranks in the top 3 if not the absolute top event i’ve ever been to. Nuite Blanche just took over the downtown core yesterday … Read More