
Categories: Ethiopia, Random Thoughts

I just witnessed one of the most gruesome accidents yesterday… I was on my way to work, when a girl running across the street was hit by a taxi speeding by… it’s hard to tell who’s fault it was, but the girl went flying in the air, bounced of the hood of the car and … Read More

Budding photographer

Categories: Exploring the World, India, Photography

Watch out Testino – my pictures are in demand too… ok, ok, so what’s got me waving the gauntlet?  A few weeks ago Greg Cruey from Asia for Visitors contacted me and asked to use some of my pictures from Flickr – I was quite chuffed to know that someone likes my pictures enough to … Read More

parlez vous francais?

Categories: All things Cultured, French, Random Thoughts

Voici est mon premier blog en francais (comment on dit ‘blog’ en francais?) J’etudie francais pour 6 annees mais je ne parle pas bien.  J’ai étudié a la Universite d’Ottawa – Il est la plus ancienne bilingue universite au Canada … mais je n’ai pas appris – J’ai seulement appris dire ‘Tabanac’, et ‘merde’, et … Read More

Triple Threat

Categories: How-to's, Spam, Technology

I get way too much spam on my blog and I’m getting tired of having to moderate the messages.  It takes away from the instant gratification for users, and it just eats away at my time…  so I’ve installed some new plugins to try and fight back.  I’ve taken a three pronged approach 1. Installed … Read More


Categories: Social Networks, Stocks, Technology

I’ve been playing around with Stockpickr for a few weeks after reading about it on TechCrunch.  I like it so far although I’m not sure if I really trust it. While I like that it gives me an alternate source for info and that it gives me the opportunity to glimpse into the portfolios of … Read More

The Mercato and the Piazza

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

ok, so I need to backtrack on my last post about Addis – I went to the Mercato and to the Piazza areas this past weekend and you can definitely tell this city is still on the road to being a developed place. The fashion police should’ve been out in full force in the Mercato! … Read More

I need an oxygen mask

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

So I’m finding that I’ve got shortness of breath all the time out here. I didn’t know before coming, but Addis is one of the highest capitals in the world at over 2300 meters high. I lose my breath just standing up sometimes… it has nothing to do with me being out of shape…

Ethiopia – initial thoughts…

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

the first encounter was at the Dubai Airport – I was mad scrambling because the boarding card issued said check in was at Gate 33, but the actual gate was at the other end of the airport at Gate 6 – I’m sure it was announced but with all the broadcasts in multiple languages, it’s … Read More