Book Review: The Zahir

Categories: Books

I just finished The Zahir by Paulo Coehlo. Not satisfied at all!! NOTE: SPOILER POTENTIAL – Don’t read past this if you don’t want to know anything about the book! I completely enjoyed the book until the final 30 pages or so. Up until that point, the book provided me with what I’m used to … Read More

Flat Irons

Categories: Denver, Exploring the World

I just climbed up one of the trails in the FlatIrons in Boulder. Ok, so ‘climbed’ is a bit of a stretch. The trail we did wasn’t that strenuous. We went up to about 7000 feet up, but Boulder itself is at about 5000 feet, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. We went … Read More

TIFF Movie: Romance and Cigarettes

Categories: Movies, Toronto

By far the best movie I’ve seen in long time. I knew that there were a lot of big names in the movie, but I had no idea what the movie was about. I was on the ground laughing my ass off when in the first 15min James Gandolfini (who will always seem like Tony … Read More

TIFF Movie: Water

Categories: Movies, Toronto

Just got back from the Toronto International Film Festival opening, featuring Deepa Mehta’s latest movie from her elements trilogy – Water. A great choice by far. If there is anything that I could say was a fault with the movie, it was that there seemed to be too many sub story lines. The movie takes … Read More