Never fails…

Categories: Technology

I am not a happy man today. My Sony Viao won’t startup anymore – it keeps going to a blue screen which disappears so damn fast that you have no idea what it is saying, and then attempts to restart giving me the options for Safe mode, etc. None of them work though.

I even tried starting up with a bootable CD but that won’t work either – keeps flashing the blue screen and then restarts before booting. I’m sure that by trying to boot it about 10 times, i’ve probably thrashed whatever good data was left — great.

Why is it that this is still so mundane to deal with? There is no reason that it should not be easier – I like to think of myself as being on the technically savvy side of the general population – if I can’t be assured that i won’t lose data, then is it any wonder that people still hate and don’t won’t to rely on computers? When my car malfunctions, I can tell you fairly quickly what the cause is. When my TV or Stereo starts to deteriorate, I can tell the warning signs and know what is starting to fail. Why isn’t my laptop like that? It just went out without warning and is giving me absolutely no clear information of what the issue is. I have to take to someone else, and risk important data on it. Sure I have backups, etc – but unless you have are an obsessive-compulsive person, you more than likely will not be backing up everyday, thus risk losing data regardless. In my case, I was in the process of recategorizing all of my pictures. Had just completed a 2 day process when this happened…

Well I’m off to a friend’s place to see if we can patch my hard drive as a secondary – wish me luck…


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