MWC2012: Mobile Payments

Categories: Spain, Tech Reviews, Technology

Well we had an interesting experience using Paypal and RedLaser at the congress today. We were given the option of saving 1 Euro and skipping the line up for lunch if we purchased via our mobile using Paypal and RedLaser – to give some context, the meal is normally about 18 Euros, so this would … Read More

MWC 2012 – Lookback at 2011

Categories: Apple/Mac, Spain, Tech Reviews, Technology, World News

I’m looking forward to MWC 2012 this year – the excitement has being growing insanely for the past couple years, and it feels like 2001 again when the last mobile wave swept the industry. This year, it is going to go from strength to strength from last year. Before going in, I thought it would … Read More