Red Herring Conf

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology, VC world

was ok – Ray Lane spoke at the keynote on the first night dinner. There was a lot of discussion about his comment of in the near future we would be walking around with 100 GB on your belt – I don’t know if I agree with that. I wouldn’t want 100 GB on my … Read More

Mesh Conference

Categories: Technology, Toronto

This was a great event – dinner at the drake web 2.0 definitely has a lot of hype surrounding it making it uncomfortably close to becoming bubble 2.0 There were far too many businesses are just creating the ‘next social network’ with business models based purely on ad revenue. Sure online advertising is a much … Read More

Book Reveiw: Watching the English

Categories: Books

Watching the English: *** (three stars) This book was ok – parts of it had me on the ground rolling laughing especially the following bit: Many commentators have observed that queuing is almost a notional pastime for the English, who automatically arrange themselves into orderly lines at bus stops, shop counters, ice-cream vans, entrances, exits, … Read More

Video of the week – may 7 ’06

Categories: VidClips n more

So here’s the first installment of what’s going to be a new weekly feature – video of the week. i get loads sent to me, so i’m going to pick one each week and put it up. here’s one i got from my brother. check the pushups at the end

An Inconvenient Truth

Categories: Movies, Technology, Toronto, World News

so i had to post this. the idea that Al Gore had put together a movie which is basically just clips of him travelling the world giving powerpoint presentations about global warming – or as he calls it, the climate crisis, had me a bit skeptical – my friend was putting together the Canadian premier … Read More

Epson 340 Printer

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

I just purchased the Epson R340 printer and have tried out a few prints. here’s what i’ve found so far. At first I didn’t actually set it up directly to a computer but used the print direct from memory card feature. I’m using a Compact Flash card (it also supports memory sticks, and SD cards) … Read More