Taking the plunge…

Categories: Random Thoughts

Slowly, Cautiously… foot’s trembling, but stable.  Just need to go slowly. It doesn’t seem like anyone has been along this path – the spider webs are huge. Just don’t look backwards. Heights are scary enough and there’s no need to look backwards to see how far I’ve climbed. I’ll do that when I get to the top. Ok, it’s leveling out, just need to sidestep to the edge. It can’t be that bad, right? no big deal. Others are doing it too so it can’t be that crazy.  I can hear the cheering – ‘You can do it!’, ‘Don’t turn back!’ — if it’s so easy why don’t YOU do it… so easy for you to say from the sidelines…
oh wow – this is high – apparently this is the point where it is a psychological barrier – that’s what one of the others is saying. How would anyone even know that? Survey’s can’t possibly be accurate enough to come up with such stats – ‘80% of stats are made up’ – I love that line…  Whatever, I’m gonna have do a search on the internet later.  Ok, focus on the task at hand.  Nearly there… Remember, just don’t look down.  Don’t worry, it’s ok to look down. What?? I’m way too high! There’s no way I’ll survive the fall! And there are so many sharp edges along the way – I’ll be the idiot who failed.  Don’t worry, just do it! Take the first step and go.
One,  two, and go! That wasn’t so hard. It’s exhilarating and my heartbeat is returning to normal.  I’m doing awesome, everyone is cheering, couple more seconds and it will be over. Wait… Are they cheering? Or are they screaming?? Did I do something wrong? My heartbeat isn’t slowing. It’s racing! This is an eternity. And why is everyone still screaming?? I’m going to fall flat.  I didn’t realize how high we started from – how am I still falling??  This is going to hurt. Everything is rushing up so super fast. First my feet and now everything – it’s so muffled. I can’t hear anything anymore but I’m still moving. I’m flapping my arms around. Wait! I’m flapping my arms around’ – that was the end! I made it! I’m just submerged.  A couple more seconds and I’ll be back above water.  Amazing! Sun is shining, the cheering is back, that wasn’t so bad. I could do this again…

Cliff diving in Hawaii… friggin scary as hell…


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