
Categories: Ethiopia, Photography

Everything in Ethiopia is sold as ‘Ethiopia’s version’ of something else.  Lalibela is Ethipia’s Petra and if the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sydney Opera Centre (?? really??) can be in the running for the Seven Wonders of the World, Lalibela should definitely be in there too.  I’ve never been to Petra, so … Read More

Football Fanatics…

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World, football, soccer, Sport

Champions League quarter final games were last night and I went with some colleagues to the nearest place showing the game.  The main room was packed – not a seat available anywhere.  Pushing our way through the crowd, we were ushered into the ‘VIP’ room – not really VIP, just a larger screen and less … Read More


Categories: Ethiopia, Random Thoughts

I just witnessed one of the most gruesome accidents yesterday… I was on my way to work, when a girl running across the street was hit by a taxi speeding by… it’s hard to tell who’s fault it was, but the girl went flying in the air, bounced of the hood of the car and … Read More

The Mercato and the Piazza

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

ok, so I need to backtrack on my last post about Addis – I went to the Mercato and to the Piazza areas this past weekend and you can definitely tell this city is still on the road to being a developed place. The fashion police should’ve been out in full force in the Mercato! … Read More

I need an oxygen mask

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

So I’m finding that I’ve got shortness of breath all the time out here. I didn’t know before coming, but Addis is one of the highest capitals in the world at over 2300 meters high. I lose my breath just standing up sometimes… it has nothing to do with me being out of shape…

Ethiopia – initial thoughts…

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

the first encounter was at the Dubai Airport – I was mad scrambling because the boarding card issued said check in was at Gate 33, but the actual gate was at the other end of the airport at Gate 6 – I’m sure it was announced but with all the broadcasts in multiple languages, it’s … Read More

And I’m off…

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

This week was way too hectic – I’m not feeling settled and knowing that I’m leaving for Addis Ababa in a day is keeping me up at nights – I don’t feel prepared whatsoever. Not because of lack of prep from the UN – in fact in that respect, they are leagues ahead of AKDN … Read More