Microsoft’s loss is Apple’s gain

Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

Well since my Sony Vaio is toast right now and it is a sunday so I can’t get some of the items that I need to work on getting my data of the harddrive, I’ve pulled out my good old Powerbook and I’m

Never fails…

Categories: Technology

I am not a happy man today. My Sony Viao won’t startup anymore – it keeps going to a blue screen which disappears so damn fast that you have no idea what it is saying, and then attempts to restart giving me the options for Safe mode, etc. None of them work though. I even … Read More

A toy I’d like to have

Categories: Technology

Apple’s latest announcement for video iPods comes at a good time, judging by the spike in their share price today. After getting trashed on Wednesday for missing rev targets, it seems that investors think that their latest product is going to bring Apple back. Personally, I’m not too sure about the video iPod itself. I … Read More

Is that a TV in your pocket?

Categories: Technology

While going through my daily ritual of checking my favourite news sites, I came across this article in The Guardian – about a new innovation from Siemens of paper-thin television screens. I’m more excited about this than I have been about any technology in a long time. I had to find out more and was … Read More

A match made in heaven?

Categories: Technology

Microsoft and Yahoo IM tie up About time that there is some changes in the IM world. My laptop is cluttered with with the disparate utilities, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, not to mention all of the interim trial software that I load up. I’ve tried to consolidate using Trillian, but i’m not too happy … Read More


Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

So it seems that my mother’s advice wasn’t based on old superstitious mumbo jumbo… According to this article, eating fish can actually help your brain because of the omega-3 fatty acids – Fishy stuff. So the question becomes, will the rate at which the omega-3 acids help your brain be slower or faster than the … Read More

Funny guys

Categories: Technology

Brad Feld has listed out the full series of GooglePark cartoon series – this is funny stuff! Can’t wait for the retaliation from Google guys…

VCs on the couch

Categories: VC world

David Hornik’s post VCitis at VentureBlog is one of the most amusing that I’ve read in a while. Definitely worth the read – especially for all my VC friends 😉

Maps and things

Categories: Technology

Blog and news reels are all abuzz about new Web 2.0 mapping services that Google and Microsoft have released recently. It’s great to have validation – albeit if it is way overdue – of a company which I ran 4 years ago (wow, has it been that long?!). We were just ahead of our time! … Read More