
Hi! I’m Rahim Adatia. Welcome to my blog/sandbox/playground.

The first thing you need to do before reading the rest is click ‘Like’, or ‘Tweet’
but most importantly — add your email to the ‘Follow’ link at the bottom right to stay up to date with my posts (much appreciated!)

Now back to ‘About’ this page:

I have no real purpose to my blog other than to give me a forum to muse, to rant, to put thought to digital-paper.  Sometimes I’ll go months without posting a single thing, and then sometimes you’ll see a flurry of posts possibly because I’m travelling or I’m taking part in a cool activity.

It’s all part of the ‘funk’ – I’ll explain that one day, but in general my thoughts are just a melange of various topics – sometimes personal, sometimes work related.


It’s really just an outlet for me which I find therapeutic.  I hope you enjoy it and I hope you contribute. 


Comment, discuss, advise.  Feedback and opinions are all part of the therapy J

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