Brunch Review: La Bréhandaise crêperie

Categories: French, Restaurants, Toronto

Looking for a bit of ‘joie de vivre‘ for brunch? take a trip out to Queen West just past Shaw St, for a visit to La Bréhandaise crêperie to indulge in traditional french galettes (buckwheat crepes), french wines, or if you prefer to stay local, quebec apple cider and cheeses.  From the first step in, you’ll … Read More

Comfort Food

Categories: All things Cultured, Health, Restaurants, Toronto

I haven’t written about a restaurant for a while, but last night I ventured out to Leslieville (my favourite neighbourhood for the past 4 years), and visited Hanoi 3 Seasons again, and had to spread the good word. If you’ve been following my choice restaurants, then by now, you’ll know that I opt for the … Read More