A match made in heaven?

Categories: Technology

Microsoft and Yahoo IM tie up About time that there is some changes in the IM world. My laptop is cluttered with with the disparate utilities, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, not to mention all of the interim trial software that I load up. I’ve tried to consolidate using Trillian, but i’m not too happy … Read More

Smurfs join Unicef

Categories: World News

Well, it is sad, but it seems that seeing tiny little cartoons killed by war, has more of an effect on us now than actually hearing about real children dying in war. Unicef has released a video of Smurfs being attacked where Smurfs (including Smurfette) die, ending with the Caption: Do not let war destroy … Read More


Categories: Random Thoughts, Technology

So it seems that my mother’s advice wasn’t based on old superstitious mumbo jumbo… According to this article, eating fish can actually help your brain because of the omega-3 fatty acids – Fishy stuff. So the question becomes, will the rate at which the omega-3 acids help your brain be slower or faster than the … Read More

Funny guys

Categories: Technology

Brad Feld has listed out the full series of GooglePark cartoon series – this is funny stuff! Can’t wait for the retaliation from Google guys…

VCs on the couch

Categories: VC world

David Hornik’s post VCitis at VentureBlog is one of the most amusing that I’ve read in a while. Definitely worth the read – especially for all my VC friends 😉

Curry and Rice girl

Categories: VidClips n more

another track from vikram and luda(krishna)…. check it out at http://viknluda.com/foe/video/ too funny…

Blame the system man, not the player..

Categories: Random Thoughts

Top state schools colonised by middle classes Further proof that the UK education system (along with their health system and their transpo system) is messed up… You can’t blame a parent if they do what they have to, to ensure that their kid gets the best education.. they pay taxes too don’t they. Sure something … Read More


Categories: Random Thoughts

Contrary to what many believe, science is not incompatible with Islam – in fact, science is fully accepted by Islam since it is considered further proof of God’s incredible creations. That being said, I have always argued that using the lunar calendar makes no sense, since the solar calendar (specifically the Gregorian calendar) is more … Read More

Book Review: The Zahir

Categories: Books

I just finished The Zahir by Paulo Coehlo. Not satisfied at all!! NOTE: SPOILER POTENTIAL – Don’t read past this if you don’t want to know anything about the book! I completely enjoyed the book until the final 30 pages or so. Up until that point, the book provided me with what I’m used to … Read More

Flat Irons

Categories: Denver, Exploring the World

I just climbed up one of the trails in the FlatIrons in Boulder. Ok, so ‘climbed’ is a bit of a stretch. The trail we did wasn’t that strenuous. We went up to about 7000 feet up, but Boulder itself is at about 5000 feet, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. We went … Read More