new RIM blackberry

Categories: Stocks, Technology

so RIM’s shares have jumped over 10% today apparently based on rumours that they’re putting out a new device… wacko… RIM is now trading at a 56 P/E ratio. Here’s info on the device that I got forwarded from AK today.

To be released shortly and likely will be called: Blackberry 8900c. Basically, take the new Blackberry Pearl (with the camera feature, Pearl/ iPod like dial in the middle, thinness of the device) and combine its functionality with the style of the more traditional BlackBerry (full keyboard, a la the Blackberry 8800/older model) – and here is what you get:
There will be two versions of this device – the first one will be launched without a camera approximately the middle-end of Jan 2007. The second version will be launched with a camera approximately mid-end of April 2007. Both will be Wi-Fi equipped.
These rumours are pumping up RIM’s stock price like mad today..

And finally…

The Pearl was a great device, but I’m not sure i’m much of a fan of this one.  looks like it’s going back to the clunky handhelds as opposed to slimmed down phones.  but the WI-fi capability along with a camera would be a great tool – will do wonders for the celebrity stalking industry…


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