Book Review: Hitching Rides with Buddha

Categories: Books, Exploring the World

Hitching Rides with Buddha ***1/2
Hitching Rides With Buddha

had peaks and lows – parts that kept me really fixed and others that felt like it was just rambling. Overall though, his insight into characters was funny and it really made me want to hitchhike Japan! well just hitchhike in general. the book is great for my current trip – one part, I was thinking ‘wow, this guy is so cool – he’s meeting so many interesting people, I gotta be more like him and make sure I meet more local people’… the whole while I was thinking this, I was on a flight from Mumbai to Delhi – at the end of the flight, the guy next to me got approached by a some kids to sign autographs – turns out he was some Bollywood actor – here I was engrossed in how many interesting people the Will Ferguson is meeting while hiking across Japan, I didn’t even bother to find out who was sitting next to me…


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