My future car…

Categories: Random Thoughts

the Bugatti Veyron only $1.2M… ok right now my goal is just to sit in one… One day… 😉

Life in my Locale

Categories: Restaurants, Tech Reviews, Technology, Toronto

Despite my earlier reluctance about MSN’s Web2.0 offerings, I decided to try out their new Live Local after reading so many good things about it (particularly on Farhan Thawar’s blog).

My goal was to place all of my Restaurants into a list that can be displayed on a map. I was actually pleasantly surprised

Porter me away!

Categories: Exploring the World, Toronto

I just took a flight on Porter Airways from Toronto City Airport to Ottawa – it was amazing! The service was great – it was easy – none of the crowds that you get at Pearson. The cost was great. The terminal at City Airport has been re done so that it compares to being … Read More

Book Review: Siddhartha

Categories: Books, India

Siddhartha: *** (three stars) Some time ago, I finished reading the book Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, but much like I did with reading the book, I’ve been procrastinating finishing a review! I’d heard great things about this book, but i found it a struggle to get through it. It took me nearly 3 months to … Read More


Categories: Restaurants, Toronto, World News

previously i wrote about the cost of living and metrics in other cities recently, i’ve been seeing other articles about it and it got me thinking about other indexes and ways of measuring cost of living – one of the most common indexes is the burgernomics metric that the Economist puts out. The argument is … Read More