Safari Day 2

Today hasn’t been the greatest, but we have seen a lot more than some of the other groups. We saw a cheetah hidden away in a little bush – I have no idea how anyone found out it was there. We were literaly 10 ft away and I almost missed seeing it. Then as we tried making it across a stretch of land to see what some vultures were going crazy about, and we just happened to pass by some lions chilling out under some rocks. It’s totally luck, since in the morning we saw loads of animals including a gang of giraffes and a couple of families of hippos and the coolest was seeing a vulture feasting on a fresh wildebeast kill, but in the afternoon we pretty much saw nothing. We did get to the kenya-tanzania border – not sure if it is the real border since there wasn’t anything there but a rock. When we got back to our camp though, we found out that a leopard had been roaming around there! we were out roaming all over the mara looking for one and it turned out to be right beside our tents!
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