Of Mice and Men – 2*

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
A classic so worthwhile to listen to or read because of that I suppose. My hypothesis is that this book is only popular because it allows so many to say the n-word under the guise of ‘it is art’ and it allows to continue to cement a culture and era that doesn’t deserve the respect of remembrance in many ways. In a world of limited time and an abundance of options, there are so many other books that are better to study and read in my opinion and which would open you up to the circumstance and cultures of other parts of the world too. I listened to this on audible, but don’t think I would have bothered to complete reading it.
If you want a synopsis of the book, I found this one to be great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMyLb…
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