CSS, Firefox, and IE

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

So I’ve finally got around to fixing the layout on my page (or so i think i have…) and man was it a pain. I felt like i was back in 1997 and struggling with the rendering differences between IE and Netscape – just replace Netscape with Firefox. At least today, we don’t really have … Read More

Video of the week – Jul 23 ’06

Categories: VidClips n more

check this clip of gandhi that telecom italia used – but i don’t get how the italians understand it… kinda low to try and commercialize gandhi, but on the other hand i don’t see how this helps sell phones anyway… (sorry you gotta link out for this one) http://www.ad-awards.com/commercials/directory/categories/ telecommunications/telecom_italia/commercials-15-69.html

Video of the week – Jul 9 ’06

Categories: VidClips n more

Last week was a vacation on the Videos (hey, everyone else seemed to take a holiday for Canada Day, so i did too…) but this week’s video is going to be an all time classic it’ll be talked about in football lore for ages Zizou is still the greatest – but listen to french commentator … Read More