Red Herring Conf

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology, VC world

was ok – Ray Lane spoke at the keynote on the first night dinner. There was a lot of discussion about his comment of in the near future we would be walking around with 100 GB on your belt – I don’t know if I agree with that. I wouldn’t want 100 GB on my … Read More

Epson 340 Printer

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

I just purchased the Epson R340 printer and have tried out a few prints. here’s what i’ve found so far. At first I didn’t actually set it up directly to a computer but used the print direct from memory card feature. I’m using a Compact Flash card (it also supports memory sticks, and SD cards) … Read More

MSN Spaces

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

so i finally got around to setting up an MSN Space and have put it under the same name as The Funk Stop Overall, MSN makes it very easy to set up initially, but its way too cluttered (i have this complaint for MySpace too…). there’s way too much to do but the main prob … Read More

Garmin GPS e-trex

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

not a bad device for the absolute basics. but not the best either. it doesn’t perform basic things such as real distance. for example. when traveling from point A to B, if direct point to point with equal elevation is 100 meters, it will record it as that. but if point B is 100 meters … Read More

Flickr functions I’d like

Categories: Exploring the World, Tech Reviews, Technology

I’ve been sorting out my pics on Flickr and am actually getting a bit frustrated. Flickr hasn’t made many updates to the organizing tools for a while. Sure, the real value in Flickr is in th social connections but there are few functions which I’d like to see. First – i’d like more control over … Read More

Google Base Returns

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

Google Base – what’s it good for? I’m interested to hear what others think. it seems way too basic of a service – felt like i was back in 1995 and using Yahoo. By now it’s quite obvious that Google is becoming a portal but while some services are Web2.0, Google Base seems way too … Read More

Sony knows customer usability but not service

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

So I finally got my Sony Vaio back from Sony Repairs – wow whatta pulava that was. It turned out that the Harddrive had failed, but Sony did their best to try to ensure that I couldn’t get it replaced under warranty. I first took it to the Sony Style store where I had purchased … Read More

Prod Review: Lacie Mobile Harddrive

Categories: Random Thoughts, Tech Reviews, Technology

So as I wrote about in an earlier post, my Sony Vaio crashed last week and so I’ve been backing everything off of it using a Lacie 40 GB Mobile Harddrive. I choose the Lacie drive simply because it had the best price point, and frankly, I’m a sucker for gimmicks (he Lacie drive was … Read More

Flock and delicious

Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

So I’ve figured out how to get delicious working with Flock – see earlier post – it seems that it specifically requires as the service name. I followed the following steps to get it to work. 1. Type ‘about:config’ in the location bar 2. Type ‘flock.favorites’ in the filter 3. Find the property ‘’ … Read More


Categories: Tech Reviews, Technology

Just started using Flock and I’m still trying to figure out the real need. I already have IE, Safari, Firefox, and even Opera for my mobile – i just don’t see why i need another browser. Sure Flock is trying to change the paradigm a bit by making it a bit more integrated with Web2.0 … Read More