And I’m off…

Categories: Ethiopia, Exploring the World

This week was way too hectic – I’m not feeling settled and knowing that I’m leaving for Addis Ababa in a day is keeping me up at nights – I don’t feel prepared whatsoever. Not because of lack of prep from the UN – in fact in that respect, they are leagues ahead of AKDN – but more so because I don’t really have an idea of what to expect in terms of how Ethiopia functions, and so I feel more anxious than when I was going to Kabul. Maybe its becasue aside from all the World Vision and UNICEF commercials all over tv while growing up, and that one of my best friends from university is Ethiopian, I know very little about Ethiopia compared to what I did about Afghanistan. Well I got a more than a day and a half of traveling to get there, better get prepared by the end of it! I’m putting my faith into the Lonely Planet…


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